10 Tools Indie Hackers Use to Build Products

10 Tools Indie Hackers Use to Build Products

Here's a quick overview of 10 essential tools for indie hackers:

Tool Purpose Key Features
React UI development Component-based, Virtual DOM, Hooks
Node.js + Express Backend development Fast, Scalable, Large community
PostgreSQL Database management ACID compliant, Scalable, Data integrity
GitHub Version control Collaboration, Issue tracking, Code review
Figma Design Real-time collaboration, Vector tools, Plugins
Trello Project management Boards, Cards, Lists, Checklists
Google Analytics Web analytics Auto insights, Custom reports, Event tracking
Intercom Customer communication In-app messaging, Help center, Ticket assignment
Stripe Payment processing Online payments, Invoicing, Subscriptions
Vercel Deployment Auto builds, Preview deployments, Global CDN

These tools cover coding, design, data tracking, and payments, helping indie hackers build and launch products efficiently. Each tool has its strengths, so choose based on your project needs and workflow preferences.

1. React


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's widely used by indie hackers to create web applications.

Key Features

React offers several features that make it useful for building web apps:

Feature Description
Component-based Build UIs with reusable pieces
Virtual DOM Improves app speed
Hooks Manage state and side effects easily
TypeScript support Add optional static typing


React can help indie hackers in many ways:

  • Easy to create complex UIs

  • Fast and responsive apps

  • Large community for support

  • Many ready-to-use libraries

Things to Keep in Mind

When using React, indie hackers should:

  • Be ready to learn new concepts

  • Choose the right tools to use with React

  • Plan their app structure carefully

React is a good choice for indie hackers who want to build fast, easy-to-maintain web apps. Its large community and many features make it a popular tool for creating user interfaces.

2. Node.js + Express


Node.js + Express is a popular combo for building web apps. Node.js lets you use JavaScript on servers, while Express is a simple framework for making web apps.

Key Features

Here's what Node.js + Express offers:

Feature Description
Quick Node.js runs JavaScript fast, and Express is light
Easy to change Express lets you add different parts as needed
Big community Lots of people use it, so help is easy to find


Using Node.js + Express can help indie hackers:

  • Build web apps quickly

  • Handle lots of users and data

  • Work well with other tools

  • Get help from many other users

Things to Think About

When using Node.js + Express, keep in mind:

  • You need to know JavaScript well

  • You might need to add extra tools for some features

  • It can take time to learn all its parts

Node.js + Express is good for making fast web apps that can grow. It's a solid choice if you're comfortable with JavaScript and want to build your product quickly.

3. PostgreSQL


PostgreSQL is a free, open-source database system that many indie hackers use. It's known for being reliable and handling large amounts of data well.

Key Features

Here's what PostgreSQL offers:

Feature What it does
ACID Compliance Makes sure database actions are done safely
Handles Growth Works with lots of data and busy apps
Keeps Data Safe Uses special data types and checks to keep data correct
Can Be Changed Lets you add your own functions and data types
Protects Data Has strong safety features, including encryption

Good Things

Using PostgreSQL can help indie hackers:

  • Build apps that can grow

  • Keep data correct and safe

  • Use special data types and functions

  • Make apps more secure

  • Get help from many other users

Things to Think About

When using PostgreSQL, remember:

  • It can be harder to learn than other databases

  • You need to set it up carefully to work well

  • You might need extra tools for some tasks

PostgreSQL is a strong database system that can help indie hackers build good apps. It has many useful features and a big group of users who can help.

4. GitHub


GitHub is a website where people can work on code together. It's useful for indie hackers building products.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Version Control Keeps track of code changes
Open-source Lets people share and work on projects
Teamwork Helps many people work on one project
Issue Tracking Helps find and fix problems
Code Review Lets people check each other's work

Good Things

Using GitHub can help indie hackers:

  • Work with others on projects

  • Keep track of code changes

  • Share projects and get help

  • Make code better by having others look at it

  • Keep track of problems and fix them

Things to Think About

When using GitHub, remember:

  • It takes time to learn how to use it well

  • You need to set up your projects carefully

  • You might need to deal with disagreements when working with others

GitHub is a good tool for indie hackers. It helps with working together, keeping track of code, and fixing problems. Many people use it to build and take care of their products.

5. Figma


Figma is a design tool that works in your web browser. It helps indie hackers make designs for their products.

Key Features

Feature Description
Team Design Many people can work on the same design at once
Vector Tools Easy to make and change shapes
Plugins Add extra tools to help with design
Web-based Works on any computer with a web browser


Figma helps indie hackers:

  • Work with others on designs

  • Make designs that look good on different screen sizes

  • Share designs with developers easily

  • Use it on any computer

  • Add extra tools with plugins

Things to Think About

When using Figma:

  • It takes time to learn how to use it well

  • The free plan only lets you make a few designs

  • It's important to plan your designs carefully

Figma is a good tool for indie hackers who want to make designs for their products. It's easy to use and lets people work together on designs.


6. Trello


Trello is a tool that helps indie hackers manage their projects. It uses boards to show work, making it easy to see progress and work with others.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Boards Show work and track progress
Cards Stand for tasks or projects
Lists Group cards into steps or types
Checklists Break tasks into smaller parts
Due Dates Set when tasks need to be done
Team Work Let others join boards and do tasks

Good Things

Trello helps indie hackers:

  • Keep tasks in order

  • See how work is going

  • Work with team members

  • Split big projects into small tasks

  • Set times for when work needs to be done

Things to Think About

When using Trello:

  • It takes time to set up boards and lists

  • The free plan has fewer features

  • You need to plan how you'll use it

Trello is good for indie hackers who need to handle many projects and tasks. It's easy to see and use, making it great for teams and solo workers.

7. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps indie hackers see how people use their websites. It shows you who visits, what they do, and how they act on your site.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Auto Insights Finds patterns in your data
Custom Reports Lets you make your own charts and graphs
Ad Reports Shows how well your ads work
Events Tracks everything users do on your site

Good Things

Google Analytics helps indie hackers:

  • Know who their users are

  • Find parts of their website to fix

  • See if their ads are working

  • Make choices based on facts

  • Make their website better for users

Things to Think About

When using Google Analytics:

  • Set it up right to get good data

  • Learn how to use the new GA4 version

  • Be careful with user data and follow the rules

  • Use what you learn to make your product better

Google Analytics is a good tool for indie hackers who want to know more about their users and make their websites better.

8. Intercom


Intercom is a tool that helps indie hackers talk to their customers. It lets them send messages, set up automatic tasks, and help customers when they need it.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Acquire Lets you talk to people who visit your website
Resolve Gives help to customers right in your app
Assign tickets Lets you give customer questions to different team members
Internal notes Lets team members leave notes for each other

Good Things

Using Intercom can help indie hackers:

  • Talk to customers in a more personal way

  • Make helping customers easier

  • Work better as a team

Things to Think About

When using Intercom, keep in mind:

  • It can be expensive, especially for small teams

  • You need to set it up carefully to use all its features

  • You need to be careful with customer information

Intercom is a good tool that can help indie hackers talk to customers better, help them faster, and work together more easily.

9. Stripe


Stripe is a tool that helps indie hackers handle online payments. It lets you take payments, send bills, and manage subscriptions.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Payment Processing Take online payments from customers
Invoicing Send bills to customers
Subscriptions Handle regular payments for ongoing services
Entitlements Control when customers can use certain features
Trials Let customers try your service for free
Discounts Lower prices for your products

Good Things

Using Stripe can help indie hackers:

  • Make it easy for customers to pay

  • Get regular income from subscriptions

  • Save time with automatic billing

  • Work with different money types from around the world

Things to Think About

When using Stripe, remember:

  • You might need tech skills to set it up

  • You have to pay fees for using it

  • You need to follow rules about handling money

Stripe is a useful tool that can help indie hackers handle payments better, make customers happy, and grow their businesses.

10. Vercel


Vercel is a tool that helps indie hackers put their web apps online. It makes it easy to get your app up and running without much fuss.

Key Features

Feature What it does
Auto Builds Builds your app for you
Always Up-to-Date Puts new changes online right away
Preview Sites Shows you how your site looks before it goes live
Easy Fixes Lets you go back to old versions if something breaks
Updates Tells you when your app is online or if there's a problem
Fast Loading Uses servers around the world to make your app load quickly

Good Things

Using Vercel can help indie hackers:

  • Spend more time coding and less time setting things up

  • Keep their app fresh without extra work

  • Fix problems quickly by going back to old versions

  • Know what's happening with their app

  • Make sure people can use their app quickly no matter where they are

Things to Think About

When using Vercel, keep in mind:

  • You might need to know a bit about coding to set it up

  • You can use it for free, but you can pay for more features

  • It doesn't work with every tool out there

Vercel is a good choice for indie hackers who want to put their web apps online without a lot of extra work.


We've looked at 10 tools that can help indie hackers build good products. Each tool has its own uses and good points. Here's a quick summary:

Tool Main Use
React Making web app interfaces
Node.js + Express Building web apps
PostgreSQL Storing data
GitHub Working on code together
Figma Designing products
Trello Managing projects
Google Analytics Understanding website use
Intercom Talking to customers
Stripe Handling payments
Vercel Putting web apps online

To build a good product:

  • Try different tools to find what works for you

  • Pick tools that fit how you work

  • Use tools that help you focus on making your product better


  • Building a product takes time and hard work

  • The right tools can make your job easier

  • Keep working on your product and don't give up