Prisma vs Drizzle

Prisma vs Drizzle

Choosing the Right TypeScript ORM for Your Project

Prisma and Drizzle are popular TypeScript ORMs, each with unique strengths:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Query Style High-level API SQL-like syntax
Performance Good overall Faster for complex queries
Size 6.5 MB 1.5 MB
Memory Use 80 MB 30 MB
Learning Curve Steeper Easier for SQL experts
Database Support More options, including NoSQL Focuses on SQL databases
Serverless Works well Optimized performance

Choose Prisma for:

  • Large, complex projects

  • Teams less familiar with SQL

  • Extensive database support

Choose Drizzle for:

  • Fast, lightweight applications

  • SQL-savvy developers

  • Serverless environments

Both offer strong TypeScript integration and are actively developed. Your choice depends on project requirements, team expertise, and performance needs.

2. Prisma Overview


Prisma is a modern ORM for Node.js and TypeScript that makes database work easier. Let's look at what it offers, how it works, and its good and bad points.

2.1 Main Features of Prisma

Here's what Prisma can do:

Feature What it does
Type-safe API Creates TypeScript types from your database setup
Works with many databases Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server
Easy query writing Offers a simple way to write database queries
Schema management Helps you define data models and update databases
Real-time updates Can send live data updates to your app

2.2 How Prisma Works with Databases

Prisma interacts with databases in four steps:

  1. You write your data model in Prisma's language.

  2. Prisma makes a TypeScript client based on your model.

  3. You use this client to send queries to your database.

  4. Prisma turns database results into JavaScript objects.

This method lets you work with databases using familiar coding ideas, making database tasks simpler.

2.3 Prisma's Good Points

Prisma does well in these areas:

Good Point Why it's helpful
Makes coding easier Offers auto-complete and catches errors early
Simplifies complex tasks Handles tricky database operations for you
Works fast Optimizes queries to fetch only needed data
Easy updates Makes changing your database structure simpler
Helpful community Has many users who can offer support and advice

2.4 Prisma's Weak Points

Prisma also has some downsides:

Weak Point What it means
Takes time to learn Its way of doing things might be new to you
Less flexible for some tasks Some advanced database features can be hard to use
Can be slower sometimes The extra layer it adds might slow things down a bit
Doesn't support everything Not all database-specific features work out of the box

Knowing these good and bad points can help you decide if Prisma is right for your project.

3. Drizzle Overview


Drizzle ORM is a lightweight TypeScript ORM that focuses on type safety and speed. It offers a way to work with databases that's close to SQL but still has modern features.

3.1 Main Features of Drizzle

Here's what Drizzle offers:

Feature What it does
Type Safety Uses TypeScript for fewer errors
SQL-like Queries Makes queries that look like SQL
No Code Generation Figures out types from your schema
Small Size Works well in serverless setups
Easy Migrations Has a tool to update your database
Many Databases Works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and more

3.2 How Drizzle Works with Databases

Drizzle interacts with databases in four steps:

  1. You define your database structure in TypeScript

  2. You use this structure to make safe queries

  3. You run these queries on your database

  4. You get back results that match your types

This method gives you more control over your database work while still making it easier.

3.3 Drizzle's Good Points

Drizzle does well in these areas:

Good Point Why it's helpful
Fast Works quickly, especially in serverless setups
Small Size Starts up fast in serverless environments
Flexible Queries Can handle complex database operations
Type Safety Catches errors early with TypeScript
SQL-like Easy for people who know SQL
Works with Zod Can use Zod for extra data checking

3.4 Drizzle's Weak Points

Drizzle also has some downsides:

Weak Point What it means
Learning Might be hard if you're not used to SQL
Help Docs Not as much info as older tools
User Base Fewer users than some other ORMs
Features Might not have all the extras of bigger ORMs

Knowing these good and bad points can help you decide if Drizzle is right for your project.

4. Speed Comparison

Let's look at how fast Drizzle and Prisma work. Both are good, but Drizzle seems faster in some cases.

4.1 Benchmark Results

The Drizzle team tested both tools. Here's what they found:

What was tested Drizzle Prisma
Size of the tool ~1.5 MB ~6.5 MB
Memory used ~30 MB ~80 MB
Simple database tasks About the same About the same
Hard database tasks Faster Slower

These tests show that Drizzle uses less space and memory, and can do hard tasks faster.

4.2 How They Work in Different Settings

How well Drizzle and Prisma work can change based on where and how you use them:

  • Normal Apps: Both work well. Drizzle might be a bit faster for hard tasks.

  • Big Apps: When dealing with lots of data, Drizzle's way of getting related data in one go can be faster.

  • Small Spaces: Drizzle works better when there's not much room because it's smaller.

4.3 Working in Serverless

Drizzle works better than Prisma in serverless setups:

Feature Drizzle Prisma
Starts up fast Yes No
Uses less space Yes No
Works well with short tasks Yes No
Works with Cloudflare Workers Yes No

Drizzle starts faster and uses less space, which is good for serverless. It also has a way to save and reuse database tasks, making it even faster.

5. User Experience for Developers

This section looks at how easy Prisma and Drizzle are for developers to use.

5.1 Ease of Use

Prisma and Drizzle have different ways of working with databases:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Database setup Uses .prisma file Uses TypeScript/JavaScript
How to write queries Uses its own API Looks more like SQL
Learning Harder for SQL experts Easier if you know SQL
How close to SQL Further from SQL Closer to SQL

Prisma might be easier if you don't like working directly with SQL. Drizzle is better if you're used to SQL.

5.2 Documentation

Both tools have good docs, but there are some differences:

Aspect Prisma Drizzle
Amount of docs More Less
Quality Very good Good, but still growing

Prisma's docs are better for new users. Drizzle's docs are good enough if you know SQL.

5.3 Community Support

Having a big community can help when you need help:

Aspect Prisma Drizzle
Number of users More Fewer
GitHub popularity Higher Lower
Extra resources More Fewer, but growing

Prisma has more users, so you can find more help online. Drizzle's community is smaller but growing.

5.4 TypeScript and Tool Integration


Both Prisma and Drizzle work well with TypeScript and other tools:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
TypeScript support Very good Very good
Works with Next.js, NestJS Yes Yes
Works with Cloudflare Workers No Yes
Extra steps after changes Yes No

Prisma needs an extra step when you change your database setup. Drizzle doesn't need this step.

Both work with Zod, which helps catch errors in your code.

6. Schema and Migration Management

6.1 Prisma's Schema and Migration Approach

Prisma uses its own language for setting up databases. You write your setup in a .prisma file:

model User {
  id              Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  email           String      @unique
  posts           Post[]
  spaceMembership SpaceUser[]
  ownedSpaces     Space[]

model Space {
  id      Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  owner   User        @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
  ownerId Int
  name    String
  slug    String      @unique
  posts   Post[]
  members SpaceUser[]

To update your database with Prisma:

  1. Change your .prisma file

  2. Make a new Prisma client

  3. Apply the changes

This process can cause problems if you forget step 2.

6.2 Drizzle's Schema and Migration Approach

Drizzle lets you set up your database using TypeScript or JavaScript:

import { integer, pgEnum, pgTable, serial, uniqueIndex, varchar } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';

export const popularityEnum = pgEnum('popularity', ['unknown', 'known', 'popular']);

export const countries = pgTable('countries', {
  id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
  name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }),
}, (countries) => {
  return {
    nameIndex: uniqueIndex('name_idx').on(,

To update your database with Drizzle:

  1. Change your TypeScript/JavaScript file

  2. Use the drizzle-kit tool to make SQL changes


pnpm drizzle-kit generate:postgres --schema=./src/schema.ts

6.3 Comparing Flexibility and Control

Here's how Prisma and Drizzle compare:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Setup language Prisma's own TypeScript/JavaScript
Type creation Makes TypeScript API Figures out types from setup
Update process Need to make new client Makes SQL changes directly
Changing column names Deletes and remakes columns Has a tool to help rename
Writing update code Limited options Many options

Drizzle gives you more control over your database setup and changes. It's easier to do tricky things like renaming columns. You can also write more code to control how updates happen.

Prisma has a stricter way of doing things. This can be good for big teams who want everyone to do things the same way. But it can cause problems if people forget to make a new client after changes.

Both tools are good at managing database setups and changes. Drizzle works more like regular SQL, which might be better if you know SQL well.


7. Query Building and Data Access

7.1 Prisma's Query API

Prisma offers an easy-to-use query API that simplifies SQL complexity. It's good for developers who may not know much SQL. Here's an example of a Prisma query:

const posts = await{
  include: {
    author: true,
  where: {
    published: true,

Prisma's API is good at handling complex queries. It lets you:

  • Filter data

  • Sort results

  • Set up page breaks

  • Get related data

This helps developers focus on building their app instead of writing SQL.

7.2 Drizzle's SQL-like Syntax

Drizzle works differently. It uses a query builder that looks like SQL but still gives you TypeScript benefits. This is good for developers who know SQL and want more control. Here's an example of a Drizzle query:

const allUsers = await

const user = await db.query.users.findFirst({
  where: eq(, 1),

Drizzle's SQL-like syntax feels familiar to SQL users. It still gives you:

  • Type safety

  • Auto-complete suggestions

This approach lets you fine-tune your queries, which can be helpful for complex database tasks.

7.3 Handling Complex Queries

Both Prisma and Drizzle can handle complex queries, but they do it differently:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Nested relationships Very easy to use Requires more manual setup
SQL-like operations Limited More flexible
Query optimization Automatic Manual, more control
Learning curve Steeper for SQL experts Easier for SQL experts

Prisma is good at handling nested data:

const posts = await{
  include: {
    author: {
      include: {
        profile: true,
    comments: {
      include: {
        author: true,

Drizzle gives you more options for building complex queries:

const result = await db
  .selectDistinctOn([], {
    title: posts.title,
    author: { id:, email: },
  .leftJoin(users, eq(posts.authorId,
      eq(posts.published, true),
      eq(posts.authorId, currentUserId)

Choose the tool that fits your needs and skill level best.

8. Database Support and Compatibility

8.1 Supported Databases

Drizzle and Prisma work with many databases. Here's what they support:

Database Drizzle Prisma
Cloudflare D1
Vercel Postgres

Drizzle works with more databases, including some newer ones like Cloudflare D1, libSQL, and Turso. This makes it a good choice if you need to use these special databases.

8.2 Where They Work

Both Drizzle and Prisma work in different places:

Platform Drizzle Prisma

Drizzle might work better in serverless setups because it's smaller and uses less memory. This can help your app start faster on platforms like AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions.

8.3 Working with Other Tools

Both Drizzle and Prisma work well with other popular tools:

Tool/Framework Drizzle Prisma
GraphQL Needs setup Built-in support

For indie hackers and solo entrepreneurs, your choice might depend on what you need for your project. If you know SQL well or need to use special databases, Drizzle might be better. If you want to build things quickly or work with complex data relationships, Prisma might be a good choice.

9. Scalability and Future Outlook

9.1 Scaling with Project Growth

As projects get bigger, how well an ORM can grow becomes important. Here's how Drizzle and Prisma compare:

Feature Drizzle Prisma
Size 1.5 MB 6.5 MB
Memory use 30 MB 80 MB
Serverless performance Better Good

Drizzle works well for apps that need to grow fast or have limited resources. Prisma is good for big apps with lots of data connections.

9.2 Development Plans

Both tools are being updated:

Aspect Drizzle Prisma
Main focus Keep it simple and fast Make a full data tool
Future plans Add features, make it faster Improve current features, work with more platforms
Coming soon More database options Work with Deno, easier database changes

Drizzle is adding new things while staying fast. Prisma is making its current features better and working with more tools.

9.3 Users and Long-term Future

How many people use an ORM affects how long it will last:

  • Drizzle: Newer, growing fast, liked by developers who know SQL

  • Prisma: Older, more users, strong community help

Prisma has more users and a clear plan for the future. Drizzle is getting popular with developers who want fast, simple tools.

For indie hackers, choose based on:

  • How well you know SQL

  • How much you want to change things

  • How fast your app needs to be

  • How big you want your app to grow

Both tools are good for TypeScript SQL work. Pick the one that fits your project and how you like to code.

10. Use Cases

10.1 When to Use Prisma

Prisma works well for:

  • Big projects with lots of linked data

  • Teams who don't want to write SQL

  • Apps that need to work with many databases

  • Projects using Next.js, NestJS, or Apollo Server

  • Developers who want good docs and community help

Prisma is good when you need:

Need How Prisma Helps
Works with many tools Fits well with popular frameworks
Easy to use Makes complex database tasks simple
Catches errors early Helps write better code
Works with different databases Easy to switch database types

10.2 When to Use Drizzle

Drizzle is good for:

  • Apps that need to be fast, especially in serverless setups

  • Developers who like SQL

  • Projects with limited space and memory

  • Apps that need detailed control over database tasks

  • Small teams and solo developers who want a simple, fast ORM

Drizzle works well when:

Situation Why Drizzle is Good
Serverless apps Smaller size (1.5 MB vs Prisma's 6.5 MB)
Limited resources Uses less memory (30 MB vs Prisma's 80 MB)
SQL experts Looks like SQL, easy to learn
Custom queries You can control the SQL it makes

10.3 Choosing Between Prisma and Drizzle

When picking between Prisma and Drizzle, think about:

1. Project Size:

  • Prisma for big, complex projects

  • Drizzle for smaller, fast apps

2. How You Like to Code:

  • Prisma if you don't want to deal with SQL

  • Drizzle if you're okay with SQL-like code

3. Speed Needs:

  • Prisma if you want to code faster

  • Drizzle if your app needs to run faster

4. Working with Other Tools:

  • Prisma if you use many frameworks

  • Drizzle if you want fewer extra parts

5. Future Growth:

  • Prisma for long-term projects that might get complex

  • Drizzle for quick starts and fast growth

Pick based on what your project needs, what your team knows, and how fast your app needs to be. Both are good for TypeScript, but they're strong in different ways.

11. Feature Comparison Table

To help you choose between Prisma and Drizzle, here's a table comparing their main features, how well they work, and when to use them:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Query Builder Uses TypeScript API based on schema Uses SQL-like syntax with TypeScript API
Databases it works with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB, CockroachDB PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
Where it works Node.js Node.js, Deno
How to set up database Uses .prisma file Uses TypeScript/JavaScript files
Type Safety Very good, makes types for you Very good, figures out types
Speed Good overall, slower for hard queries Faster, especially for hard queries
Size Bigger (~ 6.5 MB) Smaller (~ 1.5 MB)
Memory use More (~ 80 MB) Less (~ 30 MB)
Works in serverless Good, but takes longer to start Very good, starts faster
Hard queries Handles with extra queries Handles with subqueries
Updating database Has built-in tool Uses separate tool (drizzle-kit)
Works with other tools Many (Next.js, NestJS, Apollo Server, etc.) Growing, works with Zod
How hard to learn Harder, especially if you know SQL Easier if you know SQL
Can change things Limited for advanced SQL Can change SQL a lot
Extra features Planned for future Has hooks and events
Help docs Lots of info Good, but less info
Help from others Big, active group Growing group

This table shows the main differences between Prisma and Drizzle. It can help you pick the right one for your project based on what you need, like which databases it works with, how fast it is, what other tools it works with, and how you like to code. Think about how well your team knows SQL, how big your project is, and how much it might grow when you choose.

12. Conclusion

12.1 Main Differences

Here's how Prisma and Drizzle differ:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Query Building TypeScript API from schema SQL-like syntax with TypeScript
Speed Good overall, slower for complex queries Faster, especially for complex queries
Size Larger (~ 6.5 MB) Smaller (~ 1.5 MB)
Memory use More (~ 80 MB) Less (~ 30 MB)
Database support More options, including NoSQL Focuses on SQL databases
Learning curve Steeper, especially for SQL experts Easier if you know SQL
Customization Less flexible for advanced SQL More control over SQL operations

12.2 Tips for Indie Hackers

When picking between Prisma and Drizzle, think about:

1. Project Size:

  • Small projects or MVPs: Drizzle (simple, fast)

  • Big, complex apps: Prisma (more features)

2. SQL Knowledge:

  • If you like SQL: Drizzle

  • If you prefer higher-level coding: Prisma

3. Speed Needs:

  • For serverless or fast apps: Drizzle

  • For apps with lots of linked data: Prisma

4. Database Options:

  • Need many database types: Prisma

  • Focus on SQL databases: Either works

5. Future Growth:

  • Long-term, complex projects: Prisma

  • Quick-start, fast-growing apps: Drizzle

12.3 Final Thoughts

Both Prisma and Drizzle are good tools, each with its strong points. Your choice depends on what you need, how you like to code, and your long-term plans.

Prisma is good for big, complex apps and works with many tools. Drizzle is fast and works well for developers who know SQL.

Pick the one that fits your project best. Both are getting better over time, so either can work well for indie hackers and solo developers. The key is to match your choice with what your project needs and how you like to work.


Is Prisma better than Drizzle?

Neither Prisma nor Drizzle is always better. They each have strong points:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Queries Easy-to-use API SQL-like syntax
Data changes Simple API Needs SQL-like code
Type checking Full Partial
Speed Good overall Faster for complex tasks
Learning Harder for SQL experts Easier if you know SQL

Pick based on what your project needs, how well you know SQL, and how fast your app must be.

Which should I choose, Drizzle or Prisma?

Your choice depends on what you need:

Feature Prisma Drizzle
Type checking Checks everything Checks query results
Query safety Stops wrong queries Allows wrong queries
Speed Good overall Faster for hard tasks
Databases Works with more types Mainly for SQL databases
Learning Takes more time Quicker for SQL experts
Size Bigger (6.5 MB) Smaller (1.5 MB)

Think about what your project needs, what your team knows, and how fast your app must be when you choose.